Woman's Worth
You could buy me diamonds
You could buy me pearls
Take me on a cruise around the world
Baby you know I'm worth it
Dinner lit by candle
Run my bubble bath
Make love tenderly to last, to last
Cause baby you know I'm worth it
Wanna please wanna keep wanna treat your woman right
Not just dough but to show that you know she is worth your time
You will lose if you chose to refuse to put her first
She will if she can find a man who knows her worth
Cause a real man, knows a real woman when he sees her
And a real woman knows a real man ain't afraid to please her
And a real woman knows a real man always comes first
And a real man just can't deny a womans worth
Mm Hmm Mm Hmmm
Mm Hmm Mm Hmmm
Mm Hmm Mm Hmmm
If you treat me fairy
I'll give you all my goods
Treat you like a real woman should
Baby I know you're worth it
If you never play me
Promise not to bluff
I'll hold you down when shit gets rough
Cause baby I know you're worth it
She walks the mile makes you smile all the while being true
Don't take for granted the passions that she has for you
You will lose if you chose to refuse to put her first
She will if she can find a man who knows her worth
Cause a real man knows a real woman when he sees her
And a real woman knows a real man ain't afraid to please her
And a real woman knows a real man always comes first
And a real man just can't deny a woman's worth
No need to read between the lines spelled out for you (spelled out for you)
Just hear this song cause you can't go wrong when you value (better value)
A woman's (woman's)
Woman's (woman's)
Cause a real man knows a real woman when he sees her
And a real woman knows a real man ain't afraid to please her
And a real woman knows a real man always comes first
And a real man just can't deny a woman's worth
You could buy me diamonds
You could buy me pearls
Take me on a cruise around the world
Baby you know I'm worth it
Dinner lit by candle
Run my bubble bath
Make love tenderly to last, to last
Cause baby you know I'm worth it
Wanna please wanna keep wanna treat your woman right
Not just dough but to show that you know she is worth your time
You will lose if you chose to refuse to put her first
She will if she can find a man who knows her worth
Cause a real man, knows a real woman when he sees her
And a real woman knows a real man ain't afraid to please her
And a real woman knows a real man always comes first
And a real man just can't deny a womans worth
Mm Hmm Mm Hmmm
Mm Hmm Mm Hmmm
Mm Hmm Mm Hmmm
If you treat me fairy
I'll give you all my goods
Treat you like a real woman should
Baby I know you're worth it
If you never play me
Promise not to bluff
I'll hold you down when shit gets rough
Cause baby I know you're worth it
She walks the mile makes you smile all the while being true
Don't take for granted the passions that she has for you
You will lose if you chose to refuse to put her first
She will if she can find a man who knows her worth
Cause a real man knows a real woman when he sees her
And a real woman knows a real man ain't afraid to please her
And a real woman knows a real man always comes first
And a real man just can't deny a woman's worth
No need to read between the lines spelled out for you (spelled out for you)
Just hear this song cause you can't go wrong when you value (better value)
A woman's (woman's)
Woman's (woman's)
Cause a real man knows a real woman when he sees her
And a real woman knows a real man ain't afraid to please her
And a real woman knows a real man always comes first
And a real man just can't deny a woman's worth
Анна Вичерт получила это письмо, она проигнорировала его и неделю
спустя от нее ушла ее любовь.
Поцелуй в руку - я тебя обожаю
Поцелуй в щеку - я хочу быть твоим другом
Поцелуй в шею - я хочу тебя
Поцелуй в губы - я тебя люблю
Поцелуй в ухо - я только играю
Смотрю в твои глаза - поцелуй меня
Играю с твоими волосами - не могу жить без тебя
Никогда не спрашивайте разрешения на поцелуй, а просто целуйте,
когдацелуете, закрывайте глаза.
Почему мальчики любят девочек?
1) Они всегда хорошо пахнут, даже если это только их шампунь
2) Они всегда находят место для своей головы у них на плече
3) Как трогательно они выглядят, когда спят!
4) Они всегда теплые
5) Они всегда выглядят хорошо, чтобы они не надели!
6) Они вседа их целуют, если они сделали что-то хорошее
7) Они целуют их, если они говорят "Я люблю тебя!"
8) Они падают в их руки, когда плачут или кричат
9) Они говорят "Я скучаю по тебе!"
Эта пересылка началась в 1887 году.
В течение часа вы должны послать его 25 людям. Это просто, нужно всего лишь заглянуть в какой-нибудь
чат и найти адреса. Потом произойдет такая вещь: вы скажете имя
человека, который вам нравится или которго вы любите, и он скажет "Я
люблю тебя" или пригласит на свидание. Если вы проигнорируйте это
письмо, вас покинет удача в отношениях на 7 лет!
Не забудьте, это письмо нужно послать 25 людям в течение одного часа!